Over and over – Nana Mouskouri (Vals)

”Over and Over” este un vals în intepretarea Nanei Mouskouri apărut pe albumul cu același nume din 1969. Albumul produs în Marea Britanie a ajuns până pe locul 10  staționând aproape 2 ani în topurile din această țară.

”Over and Over” este valsul cu care au deschis Alina și Dan nunta de la Belvedere Grand Ballroom din 25 iunie 2013.

I never dared to reach for the moon
I never thought I’d know heaven so soon
I couldn’t hope to say how I feel
The joy in my heart no words can reveal

R: Over and over I whisper your name
Over and over I kiss you again
I see the light of love in your eyes
Love is forever, no more goodbyes

Now just a memory the tears that I cried
Now just a memory the sights that I sighed
Dreams that I cherished all have come true
All my tomorrows I give to you

R: Over and over I whisper your name
Over and over I kiss you again
I see the light of love in your eyes
Love is forever, no more goodbyes

Life’s summer leaves may turn into gold
The love that we share will never grow old
Here in your arms no words far away
Here in your arms forever I’ll stay

R: Over and over I whisper your name
Over and over I kiss you again
I see the light of love in your eyes
Love is forever, no more goodbyes

R: Over and over I whisper your name
Over and over I kiss you again
I see the light of love in your eyes
Love is forever, no more goodbyes

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